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You Cannot Ignore the Power of Tumblr

by admin | in SEO

Tumblr is one of the fastest evolving microblogging and social networking websites that helps global business owners to communicate directly with their customers. Its services and features are flexible and allows users to post multimedia and other content. Its interface is quite interactive and dynamic, which encourages people to share their stories and experiences on it. This shows that Tumblr can do wonders for your business.

Quick facts:

  • Tumblr is the fifth most visited site throughout the U.S.

  • Tumblr has 550 million monthly users.

Businesses can use Tumblr to upload text posts, images, videos, quotes or links to engage customers and strengthen their market grip. In fact, they can schedule their posts for customers for the maximum possible engagement. In addition, Tumblr also allows users to edit their blogs theme according to their own choice. So, use this winning platform to overpower your competitors.

Here are a few benefits of using Tumblr for business purposes:

  • Increase brand exposure – Businesses should use Tumblr to expand their reach and increase their brand exposure. You can create convincing stories for your customers and share it with them. You can attract younger customers by sharing high quality visual content.

  • Good for different industries – Tumblr is an ideal platform for travel, fashion, beauty, home goods and the fashion clothing industry. You can use compelling images and videos to engage your customers. Tumblr can also increase your brand visibility and expand your network.

  • Improve interaction – Tumblr enhances your network as well as helps in improving interaction with your customers. Due to its huge user base and variety of messaging options, Tumblr has become the best platform to find potential customers.

  • Flexibility – Thereis flexibility of uploadingany number of images, videos and quotes to influence customers. Businesses can post fresh, relevant and original content to improve brand awareness and attract more traffic to their websites. With this you can keep your followers updated.

  • Customisable – Tumblr is a completely customisable and a highly intuitive blogging platform. You can change your theme according to your business or industry. Tumblr also allows you to change colours, backgrounds, navigation and even allows you to add custom links.

So if you are looking for new and creative ways to attract customers, you must use Tumblr. You can easily retain your customers and create a better brand reputation in the market. However, for greater impact, you should use high quality text posts, images, videos and quotes. Today, no business can afford to ignore the true power of Tumblr because it has unrivalled blogging and functional capabilities.

Quick facts:

  • Tumblr receives over 17 Billion pages views a month.

  • Tumblr has over 100 million blogs.


Forward looking companies should take advantage of the unique dynamics of Tumblr and explore new opportunities to transform their business outcomes. No doubt, Tumblr can add value to any business and enhance its capabilities.

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