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Vital SEO Metrics

by admin | in SEO

Whether you want to achieve high traffic or beat your competitors, you always need to use proven SEO metrics to scale your results. There are various techniques that help you to measure the overall performance of your website. Here are a few imperative SEO metrics:
  • Traffic
Study Google Analytics to know the source of traffic. You need to study the graph of the traffic visiting your website for certain period of the year. This will help you to change your SEO strategy.
  • Engagement
You must measure the rate of engagement as it is the prime ranking factor. What you need to analyse:
  • Bounce rate – the percentage of people/visitors leaving your website without reading your content or taking any action
  • Average Session Duration – the average amount of time each visitor spends on your website
  • Average pages per session – the average number of website pages that each visitor views during a particular session
The best place to find this essential information is Google Analytics.
  • Conversion
This is the most important element when it comes to the measurement of the performance of a website. The finest place to find this specific information is Google Analytics. What you need to analyse:
  • Conversion rate
  • Conversion volume
Landing pages Analyse which landing pages of the website are driving traffic and identify non performing page and optimise it accordingly. This information is useful when you need to understand the impact of particular keyword’s rankings. Tips to Optimise Landing Page:
  • Write easy-to-read content
  • Use bullet points
  • Use clean website design
  • Use both images and videos
  • Use call-to-actions wisely
  • Provide complete contact information
  • Create a sense of urgency
  • Develop trust (use social proofs)
  • Provide discounts and offers (if possible)
Search visibility Most people overlook Search visibility; however, it is quite essential. For that, use Searchmetrics. This tool helps you to monitor keywords and evaluate links, and much more. Features of Searchmerics:
  • Ideal for SEO and SEM
  • Keyword Optimisation
  • Analyses Keyword Traffic Potential
  • Web Analytics Integration
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Fast and simple project management
  • Instant analysis of markets
  • Reports can be customised and sent as an E-Mail or PDF
Ranking Use SEMrush SEO research tool to know how your keywords are performing. Key Features of SEMRush:
  •  Studies your competitors’ organic positions
  • Domain specific keyword ranking
  • Studies your competitors’ Ads texts
  • Position tracking
  • Finds good long-tail keywords
  • Helps to compare SEO metrics.
  • Helps to analyse keyword position and traffic.
All these SEO metrics are imperative, so, focus on them to achieve your goals.

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