Video advertising is for everyone.
How many video adverts have you seen? We guess you have seen countless video adverts! The growth in popularity of services like YouTube, Vimeo and Vine have made the concept of video advertising something that everyone considers normal. And yet, we have noticed there are still a great number of companies that are not using this form of internet marketing to promote their products and services.
Video advertising, once the realm of the large well-known brands, is not accessible to anyone. High quality videos can even be shot form our phones these days, and simple editing software can be purchased and used for very little outlay. We’re not saying that just about anybody could come up with a winning viral video advert. But we are saying that it is within the financial and practical reach of any business that is operating online.
Here are the top reasons why we think video advertising is for everyone!
You can do it yourself, for very little financial outlay. If you have the creative flair to turn your ideas into images, then you can easily and very cheaply make a video advert.
Video advertising is increasingly being offered by social media. Facebook will be the next platform that offers video advertising spaces.
You don’t need to purchase space for your video advert. You could embed in onto the home page of your website. And you could also create a YouTube channel and share the link widely encouraging people to view it.
On YouTube, Vimeo and Vine, you can tag and entitle your videos to make them searchable. This makes them searchable via Google too! So creating video adverts will boost your SEO results as well.
Video adverts are a fantastic way to improve your bounce rate. We have used videos for clients who have very high bounce rates. By putting a video on a page which normally does not hold a visitor’s interest, we can encourage them to watch the video and stay on the page for a little longer.
Whether you create an advert or a video tutorial, video footage is an excellent way of offering content using another medium. It gives your customers variety, it allows you to have a presence on additional social media platforms, and it can be easily shared on all your other pages.