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Simple Ways to Improve your Email Marketing Efforts

by admin | in SEO

Despite several online marketing techniques, email marketing remains one of the most effective ways of reaching widely distributed customers. Today, business owners are using email marketing to improve their customer base; but there is always a room for improvement. Here are a few techniques to improve your email marketing efforts: Segment your email list It is essential to understand your customers before sending emails. For that, you need to segment your email lists on the basis of age/sex/location as well as profession. If you have a particular discount offer for youngsters, email it to a dedicated email list rather than to the complete list. Make your emails mobile friendly According to a study, 71% of people delete emails immediately, if it does not display properly on their mobile device. Hence, it is essential to create mobile-optimised email content.  (According to a report, brands with responsive design in all of their emails garner a 55% higher mobile click-to-open rate (CTO) than brands that have not used responsive design in any of their campaigns. Tips:
  • Use single column designs.
  • Keep your subject lines precise.
  • Use big images.
  • Keep your CTA buttons large and captivating.
  • Test your email message on a variety of devices.
Focus on creating text-only emails Simple text-based emails with hyperlinks are considered to be effective. Of course, images transform an ordinary email into an attractive one; however, it must be noted that some software block images automatically and content in a broken format. Tips:
  • Use fewer images.
  • Add links to your emails.
Focus on creating compelling subject lines Subject lines can make or break any business. Hence, try to create crisp and to the point subject lines for better readability. Tips:
  • Write short subject lines.
  • Infuse a sense of urgency in your subject lines.
  • Create inspiring subject lines.
Personalise your email If you want to increase the overall success rate of your email campaign, personalise your emails. Emails with personalised subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. Have a clear CTA One of the most common mistakes in email marketing is not having a clear call to action. There is no point in embracing email marketing, if readers can't understand what they are supposed to do. So, create a compelling CTA to grab the attention of users. Tips:
  • Create CTA buttons.
  • Test your CTA buttons on a regular basis.
Track your emails One of the best ways to track emails is to use UTM codes. It helps you to track and monitor post-click visitor engagement. It will also help you to measure conversion and bounce rates. Update your email list The thumb rule is keep your subscribers’ list as clean and updated as possible. A well-maintained list helps you to engage many users and compel them to take the desired actions. So, use the above mentioned techniques to achieve success in email marketing.

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