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Seven Best Online Marketing Practices to Change the Game

by admin | in SEO

Wondering how to optimise your website for visibility and reach? One of the best ways is to use the best online marketing practices. Here are a few best practices to follow: Focus on reviews 92% of people hesitate to buy a product that doesn’t have a review. Reviews and testimonials play an important role in attracting maximum number of customers. Hence, you should focus on getting customer reviews to build trust and confidence. Tips -
  • Ask satisfied customers to provide product and service reviews.
  • Use videos testimonials.
Use new search engines Today, people focus only on Google, Bing and Yahoo; however, there are many new search engines that are equally powerful as well as effective. Here are a few new search engines to use:
  • Oscobo
  • Good Gopher
  • Semantic Scholar
  • Omnity
Create smart content Content is the main driving force when it comes to online marketing. According to a report, 71 percent of marketers report that less than half of their content has been used by their target audience. Hence, create readable and useful content. Tips -
  • Create a data-driven content marketing strategy.
  • Create high-quality videos, Quick Answers and images.
  • Always create SEO-enabled content for maximum visibility and reach.
Voice search Voice search has changed the way people communicate as well as process information. According to Google, 1 out of 5 searches come from voice queries. Tips -
  • Use long-tail search keywords.
  • Focus on users’ intent.
E-commerce SEO E-commerce SEO is a difficult task. It needs specific skills and expertise. In fact, you also need to perform several things, like: Local SEO-Best Practices for WordPress According to a report, WordPress powers 28.8 percent of all websites. It allows SEO professionals to optimise websites. Tips -
  • Focus on on-page optimisation (use Yoast SEO plugin)
  • Fix broken links.
  • Integrate Google My Business into your wordpress site.
  • Minimise server load with a caching plugin.
Create effective link building strategies for better results Marketers always look for innovative link building ideas; however, they do not focus on building relationships. Hence, it is advisable to use both traditional and new link building strategies. (Links are still the #1 most important ranking signal when it comes to organic rankings. - Searchenginejournal) Tips -
  • Write news-worthy press releases.
  • Write columns in authoritative sites.
  • List your podcast.
  • Write case studies to attract better links.
So, use the above mentioned online marketing practices to change the game…

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