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SEO techniques and On-page Factors that need to be considered

by admin | in SEO

Cut throat competition, customers’ demands, and peer pressure compel online business owners to embrace out-of-the-box internet marketing and SEO techniques. Most businesses follow the guidelines of SEO; however, when it comes to its technical aspect, they fail to understand its implications and complications. All these make the competition difficult. Here are a few SEO techniques and on-page factors that need to be considered:
  • Use Google Search Console – To make your website technically strong, you need to access Google Search Console. It offers you exact insights and relevant information about your site’s usability and ranking factors.
  • Remove errors – Download a detailed list of crawl errors from Google Webmaster tool and fix them immediately. This will increase the speed of your site.
  • Audit backlinks – SEO is all about building quality backlinks. If you are building backlinks, you should check and filter them regularly. Check Google Webmaster tool also to check your links and analyse associated domains.
  • Use Google Analytics – Use Google Analytics to monitor your website’s traffic. Check your site’s visitors, acquisition statistics, behavioural statistics and much more. (Tip- Analyse the performance of your web pages as well as specific keywords.)
  • Check site’s speed - Use Google’s site speed test tool to check how quickly your website loads. This tool also provides suggestions to improve the speed of your site.
  • Create an XML Sitemap - This helps crawlers to crawl your website accurately. However, you should remove dead URLs from sitemap to make it more effective.
  • Social media integration – Install right social media buttons and social plug-ins on your website for the maximum possible exposure.
  • Choose https - HTTPS is a protocol for secure communication over a network. Choose it instead of HTTP.
  • Internal linking – Use internal linking to improve your website’s performance. (Internal links are links that go from one page to a different page on the same domain.)
  • Address pagination - There are 2 prime issues that need to be addressed in pagniation: duplicate content issue and crawling issue. (Tip – Use command “rel = prev” and “rel = next” or “rel=canonical” to solve this issue.)
  • Case Sensitive URLs – If your site has both upper and lower case URLs, it would be considered as duplicate by Google. Solve this case sensitive problem by re-writing the URL.
Implement these SEO techniques to make your website technically strong and competitive.

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