SEO should be for customers, not Google.
If you ever have an SEO company tell you that SEO is all about getting to the top of a Google search page, run away, quickly!
SEO is not about conquering Google, it is about targeting customers. Too many businesses struggle to impellent effective SEO because they have not grasped this concept. And we’re not surprised. There is huge debate online on whether SEO is about search engines or customers. Our vote goes to the latter, and here’s why.
SEO has the potential to make sure your website is seen by the right people. It is also the best way to direct people back to your website. Once on your website, SEO methods will help you to keep them there, and encourage them to return. In addition SEO will help you to create opportunities to turn leads in to customers and customers in to advocates.
If SEO were just about getting to the top of Google is wouldn’t be that difficult, or that important. It would be like attracting 10,000 people to walk in to your shop all at once and then asking them to leave immediately. That’s not good business, and you definitely won’t make any revenue.
Having great visibility online will make sure you appear higher on search engine rankings, and this will help you to attract more people. Research shows that very few people even look at page two of their Google search results. But there is more to it than that. SEO creates a two-way communication and flow of activity between your and your customers that the spiders find irresistible.
Everything SEO does attracts the attention and creates action, it does not just put a business in front of an audience, it actively seeks out the audience and pulls it in.
We’re not saying that SEO is the new marketing. What we are saying is that its time SEO was recognised for what it is. SEO is an important part of the marketing mix. Effective internet marketing can’t be done without SEO. Search Engine Optimisation is only one of the positive results of good SEO.
Maybe it should be called BVO instead: Brand Visibility Optimisation.