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SEO and Content Marketing – The perfect partnership

by admin | in Content Marketing , Internet Marketing , SEO

SEO and content marketing are closely linked and dependent upon each other. So it always surprises us when we see business brands that employ SEO and content tactics which do not complement each other and operate separately. One of the best and most effective ways to influence your rankings on SEO is to create and share the right content. In the past, SEO professionals and content marketing specialists were separate entities, never speaking, or working with each other. Not so long ago, blog writers, website administrators, marketing managers and content creators all worked individually in their own areas. On occasion there may have been some overlap, but in most cases, these different tactics were being delivered without following any over-arching content marketing plan. If you have a website or blog, or your business has a presence online, you will understand the importance of SEO and content. But if you are not developing these two strategies in tandem, then you could be missing out on some excellent opportunities to really boost your SEO and improve your content. SEO and content marketing are important to each other because they both influence visitor numbers and in-bound traffic to a website or blog. By creating a cross-disciplinary content marketing strategy, which complements and includes the planned SEO tactics, you are more likely to see quicker, longer lasting results. Content marketing is not just article marketing, posting on Facebook, or writing blog articles. It is the art of carefully creating content which projects your brand and attracts new visitors to your website and social media pages. It is a way of engaging new leads, and increasing traffic to certain URLs and pages. It is also the best way to create natural back-links, spread the news of your band around the internet, and you can also safely increase the use of specific keywords. As a result, working directly with your SEO team will help you fine tune your content. It will contain the right keywords to complement PPC campaigns, it will take advantage of visitor spikes in certain search strings, and it can influence when and where you post your content, all for greater effect. It will also help you to timetable your work so that you are posting new content at the best times to suit a specific target audience or geographical area. If you are busy creating content for your brand, spend some time speaking to your SEO team and make sure you are all working in harmony with each other. Merging your SEO and Content Marketing plans will create a symbiotic plan of tactics which will enhance your search engine rankings and improve the quality and effectiveness of your content.

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