How to use video content to boost SEO
After last weeks blog on Using YouTube for marketing, we were asked how video can be used to boost SEO. This article shares some good tips.
There is no doubt that YouTube is an amazing platform. It allows us to share videos with a massive global audience, for free! It gives every content creator another opportunity to share their message and promote their brand.
It really is the best site in the world to find the most amusing and popular video content and now it is being widely used by brands and businesses as a platform to showcase products and services. If you have a business, you could use YouTube to increase your brand recognition and boost your visibility amongst your target audience.
But there’s another reason why YouTube is important to the website owner. It helps boost SEO too. In addition to posting video footage and sharing it with viewers, we recommend you make YouTube a significant part of your internet marketing plan, and an important element of your content plan.
By doing this you will be able to dovetail your written content, social media content and video content so that it is all working symbiotically to promote your brand. This holistic approach to your content can create much more impact, and in turn this could have a greater result in terms of visibility and reach. Increases in both of these things will in turn affect your rankings in a positive way.
Here are some of the ways you can use YouTube to boost SEO -
Make sure you effectively caption your video by using closed captions. YouTube search engine will crawl the closed captions so it makes your video visible and easier to search, and find!
The video description is another chance to cleverly use keywords that will be picked up by the bots and by YouTube search. As you will no doubt know, YouTube videos come up in Google results too. So, if you describe your video well, this will help yours to be ranked highly, especially if it is being viewed well.
You can also use keywords for your video title. Be very carefully here though. For example, if your brand name is not well-known, then you are best not using it. Only the huge brands are found that way. Instead, entitle your video using a phrase that would be used by someone looking for your content. You are far more likely to be found.
Finally, enjoy being creative and innovative with your video content. You do not need to be a budding Spielberg! And you definitely do not need a huge budget. Simple tutorials, interviews and informative and interesting pieces can be just as good, and easily filmed in the work place using a simple camera on a phone. Play around and try out different styles, you will soon hit upon a style of video which effectively promotes your brand.