- Publish a lot, and regularly – the more you publish, the more your site will be crawled by the bots.
- Tackle those keywords – post a variety of topics within your field. This lets you target a larger variety of keywords. It’s also a great way to share all your talents, products and services with your audience.
- Link building – It’s not easy, we all know that, especially after the Penguin, but blog posts are great ways to naturally link to other pages on your site, or to additional content you want to share.
- Build your social network – Your blog should be part of your entire online ‘communications web’. By this we mean; all your social media pages should be linked to your website and to your blog. In other words, a reader should be able to get to any other of your pages or platforms with one click from anywhere on your website or your blog.
- Build traffic – The more popular your blog becomes, the wider it will be shared and the more click-through you will get. It’s a simple equation and it works.

How to make your blog work for you all the time + 1 great SEO tip!
If you have a blog, you will already know what a powerful tool it is for sharing content and attracting a wider audience. From an SEO point of view, we have already mentioned how a blog is a great way of creating natural activity on your website, and of engaging your customer.
There a so many SEO benefits to be gained from a blog we thought we should do a quick list of them. You may be aware of some of these, but we think there will be a few on this list which may pleasantly surprise you too.