How to effectively use Pinterest for marketing and SEO
Have you tried Pinterest yet? It is currently the fastest growing social media platform, especially amongst the female population. So if your business brand is of a predominantly female audience, you should seriously consider putting yourself onto Pinterest. The latest statistics suggest that nearly 60% of users on Pinterest are women.
There’s more. The women tend to be either high earners or stay and home mothers with a healthy disposable income. They are shopping influencers and therefore they are a marketer’s dream! No doubt you have read it is where all the ‘DIY and crafty Moms’ or the ‘brides-to-be’ gather. This may be one aspect of their demographic, but so is their love of high-end designer fashion, home décor, interiors, travel and all sorts of luxury household items. If you want to influence the most influential buyer in the home, then you need to get on to Pinterest.
This platform is like a beautiful scrapbook of amazing images that you collect on boards. However there’s far more to it than that. Every single time you pin something, if you add your website URL, or pin content from your website or blog, you are creating a permissible, crawlable, back link that Google will be perfectly happy with! And it is completely free. Although we predict that, as will all great social media sites, the real SEO boosting activity will cost businesses money eventually.
However, there’s no charge at the moment so you may as well take as much advantage of it as you can. Every time someone clicks on a pin, re-pins or clicks through to see the original content, you are boosting your SEO a little bit more.
You can show off your products and services as attractive images that lead to details on your website. You can share hints and tips and an image that leads to a video tutorial on your website. You can share the images from your blog entries by pinning them every time you post. You could potentially create a whole bunch of high quality back-links to your very own content on Pinterest every single week.
Spend some time on Pinterest, or have one of your team take it on as an on-going project. Keep an eye on the metrics of the pages you pin too. We are sure you will see a difference in your Google Analytics results if you are pinning good quality pins.