Have a chat with Google!
Have you been getting to know Google? Their conversation search for Android is a wonder, if you like that sort of thing. And it would seem that most of us do! The ability to search using natural language and conversation is big news, and the most recent Google Conversation Search update was added for Android recently.
We thought this would be a good time to mention the main features of this conversational Google search facility. With Christmas around the corner, many people will be treating loved ones to a new Android phone, and part of the experience will be getting to know Google.
Google announced the update, mentioning the addition of new features, updating of cards and traffic incidents to name a couple. But the really exciting update is that it now has the ability to hold a real conversation with us. Think Siri, except in our opinion, its better!
Google talks! For example, if it needs more information, then it will ask you for more, or to clarify what you are searching for. You can give it commands using your voice now too. You can ‘Make a call to…’ as you know. Now you can ‘Send a text message to…’ and so on. Tell Google who the message is for, and then tell it the message. Hey presto, message done and ready to send.
There are some little issues though. The message will not be read back to you before it is sent. You will need to do this yourself. The entire process is not entirely hands free as yet, and you will still need to do a bit of scrolling and screen action. In addition voice search can be frustrating, accents, background noise, and simple misunderstandings can all make talking to Google feel more like shouting down the phone to someone with ear-plugs in. Not cool at all.
However, we’re going to persevere with it. We believe that by getting familiar with every type of search engine, we’ll be even better placed to deliver the most effective SEO tactics. Natural conversation is changing the way we choose and use keywords, and so it important to stay up to date with the changes and developments.
What we’d like to know is whether the voice search and voice activation commands are being used by many people. Here in Cartoozo HQ, quite a few of us have Android phones, and yet very few use the facility regularly. What do you think of Google conversation search? Is it a useful and innovative use of technology that you can’t live without? Or is it simply just a groovy gizmo to amuse you on occasion when you are on the train, or bored? Let us know what you think!