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Great content will always help your SEO tactics

by admin | in Content Creation , Content Marketing , Internet Marketing , SEO

Many companies fail to see real results from their SEO tactics because they do not pay attention to the user experience, or to their content. SEO is a way of increasing a website’s exposure online. It is how businesses promote themselves and increase their rankings on search engines. However, attracting more people to your website does not necessarily mean they will hang around and buy what you are selling. To turn new visitors into qualified leads, and then into customers, you need to have excellent content. If your content is not up to scratch you will have a high bounce rate and loose the people your SEO attracts. Have a long, honest look at your website, and ask some valued colleagues or friends to take a look at it too. Is it easy to read? When a brand new visitor arrives on your homepage, they should be able to see the name of your company and what you are selling within seconds. The page should load up quickly and it should be designed with colours and layout that are attractive to your main customer base. Does your website do these things? Take a close look at the text and images on your website. How long has it been since you updated your website content? If the answer is more than two weeks then you really need to get to work. We are not suggesting you completely update the entire site every week. It is not feasible or recommended. However, we do believe that weekly activity on a website will not only help to keep the search spider happy, it will also give visitors a reason to return. A blog is the perfect tool to achieve this. News items and weekly offers are also ways to have people checking back on a regular basis. Make sure all your content is written well, and has no errors or spelling mistakes. Badly written content is extremely off-putting and will give potential customers the wrong impression. Your content should reflect your brand as a professional, reliable and reputable entity online. Don’t forget, while everyone wants to save money, it’s not just cheap products and services customers are looking for. Most internet users say content using blatant sales talk puts them off. Most customers prefer to read plain communication, engaging information and to enjoy their experience. The offers, sales and bargains can come once you have attracted them in to your website and established a connection with them.

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