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Google’s carolling ‘Easter-egg’ for Christmas!

by admin | in Content Creation , Content Marketing , Google , Internet promotions

Google has done it again! For our Christmas blog post, we thought this would be a great opportunity to talk about Google ‘Easter-eggs’ and Google ‘doodles’. They are a firm favourite amongst internet users, and they have become part of our culture. We believe in coming centuries, people will look back on all the Easter-eggs and Google doodles, and see a real picture of what life was like in the 21st century! This Christmas, Google has created a carolling app as its festive Easter-egg. Using your mobile browser, simply search for, let’s go carolling. You will then see a menu from which you can choose one of five popular Christmas carols that you can sing along to. The carols include world-wide favourites like ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Deck the Halls’. And just for added fun, once you have chosen your carol, the cursor will bounce along with the lyrics in time to the tune, just like a little miniature karaoke machine! It works on all mobile browsers, not just Android, so the majority of us can try it out and enjoy a little festive musical cheer. Why do we mention this? Well, in addition to it being the perfect seasonal subject for our blog, we also think it’s worth pointing out how effective Google are at encouraging us to click on links, visit other areas of their site, and generally encouraging us to buy in to the whole Google brand. If you want to pick up the best tips for internet marketing and SEO, you need look no further than Google itself. Google is famous for surprising us with its doodles and Easter-eggs. In addition, it is great at making its brand real, recognisable and valuable to us, even in simple, free, ways. On a smaller scale, for your own brand, we believe that there are simple things you can do to create this recognition and loyalty. Think about how you can give your own website visitors a little treat, or an Easer-egg. Start building up ways to bring them back and keep them interested. Be aware of national and public holidays and special occasions, or world news. These things may not be directly related to your day to day business, but they are equally important to your customers, if not more so. Being playful is also a wonderful way of being friendly and connecting with people. Everything you do, in any small way, to humanise yourself and make your brand more likeable, approachable and enjoyable, will reap you huge rewards in many ways, not just in rankings and revenue. Ok, go and try the Google carolling app! Have a fantastic Christmas and a prosperous New Year. All the very best! From the entire Cartoozo team

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