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Good PR for great SEO

by admin | in Content Creation , Content Marketing , Internet Marketing , Marketing , PR , SEO

What is PR? The term stands for Public Relations, and it refers to any activity which gives the general public information about a company. In terms of SEO, PR means exactly the same. It is not just about press releases! If you want to deliver some great PR to increase the profile and rankings for your company, here are some great tips to help you. Regular news updates – These can be delivered via a blogs, press releases, or a news section on your website, social media and a weekly email newsletter are excellent too. Better yet, do all of the above! Press releases – For too long, these have been used to create back-links and build keyword recognition for the bots. As a result the internet is overloaded with badly written press releases. Services like PR Web are addressing this by attaching stringent rules to the quality and content of PR that is submitted. If you have genuine news to share, have an excellent writer, and a good SEO team, you can all work together to create very powerful press releases which will give you the SEO boost you are looking for while they also share news about your company. Social media – It is by far the best way to share breaking news and encourage your followers to take an interest in your latest updates. The news you share on social media is most effective when it directs followers to further reading or more information. Take advantage of others’ PR and leading stories – Hitch a ride on the crest of a popularity wave. By this we mean pay attention to the leading stories and trending topics online. By reposting, retweeting, and sharing trending topics, you are joining in on a conversation and positioning your brand along-side the originator of the breaking news. If you choose your content carefully, you can use it as a powerful tool to develop your own brand identity too. Video – Video is not regarded as PR but it is. Video diaries, interviews, video channels, and video blogs are great visual PR mechanisms for developing a following and directing traffic to your website. What methods do you use for PR? Is it something you engage in and deliver regularly? Let us know your own top tips for creative, innovative and effective PR.  

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