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Aggressive Content Marketing Tactics for Businesses

by admin | in SEO

Content marketing has redefined online businesses. Today, most of the businesses believe that their sector will fundamentally change with the help of content marketing. No doubt, it has become an unstoppable force for online businesses to succeed in achieving their objectives. Here are a few aggressive content marketing tactics: LinkedIn LinkedIn has many features that are peerless when it comes to brand building, content promotion and social media marketing. Tips:
  • Use LinkedIn to show your domain expertise.
  • Share relevant content and obtain feedback.
  • Research other’s businesses and their strategies.
  • Monitor and respond to customers.
  • Establish your leadership.
  • Increase customer’s engagement.
Growthhackers If you are a serious content marketer, use Growthhackers. Tips:
  • Use it to sharpen your content marketing program.
  • Use it to promote your articles and improve the reading experience of readers.
  • Write effective titles and sub-headings for better user experience.
Flipboard Use this effective and proven platform to read, collect and share stories. This intuitive platform discovers creative content, blogs, news, and much more. Tips:
  • Use it to collect and share great articles, photos and videos.
  • Use this compelling digital magazine to take ideas from renowned publication houses.
  • Use it to curate and organise your content.
  • Access it to establish your network and take business advantages.
  • According a study, 51% of marketers plan to increase their content marketing expenditure.
  • According to a survey, marketers want to spend more on content marketing, but they're still struggling with engaging content (60%) and measuring performance (57%).
Publish a press release A press release is a great way to create buzz about your new content. There are a great number of websites that publish press releases for free. Tips:
  • Use powerful press release submission websites to increase online visibility and drive traffic.
  • Use great publishing sites to put your content in front of millions of potential customers.
  • Write user-friendly press releases that can attract readers.
  • Use paid sites for instant popularity.
  • Learn how to create an internet sensation.
Create an Infographic If you want to make your content viral, create visually engaging infographics. All you need to do is to create a compelling infographic having balanced text, images and industry-specific statistics. (The human brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text-based content.) According to a study conducted by MDG advertising, content marketing that contains visual elements can generate over 95% of views as compared to the plain content. Tips:
  • Create an attractive infographic and submit to the most popular platforms, like
  • Never put too much information.
  • Add sharing buttons on your infographic.
  • Increase content promotion and brand awareness.
Tumblr Tumblr is a popular and effective microblogging and social networking website, which allows users to post multimedia and other content. Tips:
  • Write and share original articles in the form of blogs.
  • Use this amazing platform for greater exposure and generate more traffic.
  • Use it to discuss your thoughts and obtain ideas from the community.
  • Use it to improve your keyword rankings.
Bonus tips:
  • Use Triberr to publish your content.
  • Join BizSugar – the finest content sharing network.
  • Make wise use of Pinterest Sharing Boards.
  • Use Shareaholic - a great content amplification platform.
For all businesses, content marketing is key to harnessing opportunities. So, to become successful, you need to embrace strong and effective content marketing strategies.

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