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5 Things to Remember to Gain Online Success

by admin | in SEO

Online success can be achieved through (but not exclusive to) a variety of internet marketing and SEO techniques. However, you need to strike the right balance to achieve the expected results. Here are a few internet marketing and SEO techniques for business owners: Focus on lead generation According to Marketo, lead generation is a marketing process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service.  If you are a marketer, you must invest  time in generating leads. You can  use certain tools, if you are running short of time, such as:
  • ClickMeeting – It is an affordable, reliable and simple webinar hosting platform.
  • Leadformly – It is used for creating forms that actually convert browsers into visitors.
  • Unbounce – It is a landing page creation platform that helps you to make professional pages.
  • Marketo – Use it for lead generation, email marketing, mobile marketing, etc.
Improve content creation process Today, it is essential to create a wide range of content to help users. All you need to do is to create:
  • Infographics
  • Videos (According to Cisco, videos will make up 80% of all internet traffic by 2019.)
  • GIFs (According to Giphy, there are currently around 150 million original GIFs out there online.)
  • Images (65% of people are visual learners.)
  • Always create a content calendar
  •  Represent complex information through images
  •  Promote your content
  • Always tell a story
  • Focus on the length of  content (According to Orbit Media Studios, blog content is actually getting longer year by year. In 2016 the average blog post length was 1054 words – up from 887 words in 2015.)
Switch to HTTPS According to Google, HTTPS protects the integrity and confidentiality of data between the user’s computer and site. Hence, it is important to use HTTPS to make sure a safe and secure experience for users. Tips: Focus on social media (By 2018, 33% of the world’s population, or 2.44 billion people, is expected to be using social media.) Today, most of the marketers fail because they fail to connect with the consumers. That is why, it is essential to join social media networking sites to inform, educate and connect with users. Tips
  • Join communities and share content
  • Create and share infographics and videos
  • Tell your brand’s story with a clear message
  • Be responsive and learn more about your audiences
Never ignore Google Analytics (75% of marketers agree that lack of education and training on data and analytics is the biggest barrier to more business decisions being made based on data insights. analytics.googleblog.) Every business has a purpose.   So, it is important to set goals and measure results. And when it comes to measuring results, nothing can match the accuracy of Google Analytics. Tips
  • Create custom reports and dashboards.
  •  Measure your advertising ROI regularly.
  • Study different sections to gain customer insights.
  • Use Google Analytics 360 Suite.
So, use the above mentioned internet marketing and SEO techniques to realise the  potential of your business.

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