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8 Digital Marketing Strategies which should not be ignored

by admin | in SEO

Businesses spend their time and money on different types of marketing activities; however, they often fail to compete with their competitors due to lack of an extensive digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is a broad term used for marketing of products or services using the latest digital technologies. It includes a great number of elements that can optimise a user’s experience as well as increase their customer base. Get ready to connect the dots... Here are a few digital marketing strategies that should not be ignored:
  1. Search Engine Optimisation – Don’t ignore search engine optimisation. SEO is essential for businesses to improve the visibility of their websites. It also makes a website flawless and search engine friendly.
  2. Search Engine Marketing – This is the process of gaining traffic by purchasing ads on search engines. You can use keywords and phrases to gain the top rankings on search engines. (It often includes Paid search ads, Paid search advertising, PPC (pay-per-click), CPC, etc.)
  3. Mobile Apps - A mobile app is a software application that is designed to run on mobile devices. A mobile application can improve the overall experience of smart phone users.
  4. Blogging – This is the most effective type of content marketing. Publish content regularly to connect with your widely distributed audiences.
  5. Email Marketing – This is the most essential part of any marketing strategy. It helps to drive sales and improve business’ visibility on the web. Adopt it to improve your relations with your customers.
  6. Social Media – Being an ideal place to publish and promote content, it needs special care. (Tip – Use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn for better results.)
  7. Social Media Marketing – Use social media platforms for paid and targeted advertising. In fact, this is the best method to target your customers geographically and demographically.
  8. Videos – Adopt video marketing in order to educate and inform your customers. (Tip – You can optimise your videos for your customers to establish your brand.)
No doubt, proper Digital Marketing can help your cause. So, get back to the drawing board and start a new journey... Quick facts:
  • Personalised subject lines are 22.2% more likely to be opened.
  • Picture-based posts have 600 times more engagement than text-based messages on social platforms.
  • Twitter has approximately 320 million monthly active users.
  • Every second two new users join LinkedIn.
  • Last year 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase based on a promotional email.
  • 63% of UK millennials prefer making purchases using a mobile app compared to any other platform.

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